UML - The origin class of the relationship class can't be determined

Last Published: April 25, 2020

Error Message

The Schema Wizard stops with the following error.

"The origin class of the relationship class can't be determined. Verify tagged values for key fields are correct or specify the tagged value OriginClass for the UML association. Relationship class: [name]."


Relationship classes require the specification of the Origin and Destination feature classes. In UML, the association end order is used to specify origin and destination; the first association end represents the origin class.

The XMI Exporter in Visio 2002 does not preserve the association end order when it exports the model to a file. The schema wizard will, in most scenarios, resolve what the origin class should be, based on the primary and foreign keys of the relationship class. However, if it is not possible to find a solution, a semantic error is returned.

Solution or Workaround

Add a tagged value to the UML association to specify what class should be considered the origin class. The name of the tag should be "OriginClass", and it's value is the name of the class. Then re-run the model.

Article ID:000005272

  • ArcMap 8 x
  • ArcMap 9 x

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