This field was not found in the map find layer

Last Published: April 25, 2020

Error Message

When a user configures the Finder or Find, Edit, & Filter web apps, a pop-up window is displayed and the following error message is returned:

"This field was not found in the map find layer".


There are two reasons that this message appears for the layer shown in the popup:

1. None of the fields configured in the 'Find Fields' parameter is in the layer.

2. The field configured in the 'Result Display Fields' parameter for displaying results is not in the layer.

The app supports the following:

• Searching multiple feature layers; each layer is specified by name and the names are separated by commas.

The layers must be at the top level in the web map; they cannot be nested.

• Searching multiple fields; each field is specified by name and the names are separated by commas. Each layer is expected to contain at least one of the search fields, but does not have to contain all of them. The app does not report the case where a specified field is not contained by any search layer.

• Specifying - for each layer - which of its fields is to be used to display search results from that layer. The specified field does not have to be a search field, but must exist in the layer. This specification is optional; if a display field is not specified for a layer, the layer uses its default display rule, which is to use the first of its search fields that matched the user's entry.

There is a one-to-one correspondence between the layer names and the display field names. If the display field names list has more names than there are search layers, excess names are ignored. If it is too short, layers without display field names use the default display rule. The default behavior for a layer can be specified by inserting an empty item for the layer into the display fields list. For example, if the search layers are 'layerA,layerB,layerC' and it is only necessary to specify a display field (for example, 'fieldInB') for 'layerB', with default behavior for 'layerA' and 'layerC', the Result Display fields are configured as ',fieldInB,'.

In the image above, the Result Display Fields is configured as:


for Find Layers:

Address Points,Parcels

The Find Layers list has two items; the display fields list has one, so the app uses it as if it had been written


The warning popup is shown because the 'OwnerName' field is not in layer 'Address Points', it is in layer 'Parcels'. This configuration can be fixed by changing the Result Display Fields to


so that the default display rule is used for layer 'Address Points' and 'OwnerName' is used for layer 'Parcels'.

Solution or Workaround

Follow the steps below to isolate the cause of the popup.

  1. Empty the Result Display Fields text box and save the configuration.
  2. If the same popup appears, then there is a problem with the list of fields; none of them appear in the feature layer shown in the popup. Compare the spelling and case of the search field(s) that are supposed to be in the layer with the field(s) listed for the layer. (A space before or after a field name is ignored.)
  3. If the popup only appears when there is content in the Result Display Fields text box, use the list of layer names to determine which position in the list of display fields corresponds to the layer reported in the popup. Compare the spelling and case of the field in that position with the field(s) listed for the layer. (A space before or after a field name is ignored.)

Article ID: 000012020

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