For ArcGIS Server SOC only installations, running applypatch for ArcGIS Server 9.2 Service Pack 3 returns the following error message:
The tar command being used to install the Service Pack files failed
The Service Pack (ArcGIS Server 9.2 Service Pack 3) installation has failed.
You will have to re-run applypatch to install ArcGIS Server 9.2 Service Pack 3."
The <ArcGIS Server Installation>/servercore/agsidsvr directory is owned by root but should be owned by the ArcGIS Server owner. Therefore, the ArcGIS Server owner did not have the required write access.
Do not change the ownership of any other subfolder in the servercore directory.
If the new script is not used, the following error displays:
"This script must be run as the owner of the ArcGIS/ArcIMS/ArcReader/ArcEngine product.
Script is being run from an invalid location."
Article ID: 000009630
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