The solver could not generate the geometry for one or more features in Routes

Last Published: April 25, 2020


When solving a network analysis layer using the Network Analyst extension, the following warning message is returned:

"The solver could not generate the geometry for one or more features in Routes. The network dataset needs to be rebuilt, or the data license does not cover the extent of the analysis."


This warning is displayed during the construction of an output route geometry if an empty feature geometry is encountered for a traversed source feature that participates in the network dataset.

This problem can occur due to one of the following scenarios:

1. The network dataset may be in an invalid state and needs to be rebuilt.

2. If solving on a licensed network dataset (in which only certain regions of source features may be licensed for access), the shortest path may require a detour into an unlicensed region of the network, resulting in inaccessible feature geometries, due to the current licensing constraints.

Solution or Workaround

For non-licensing issues (for example, scenario 1 above), simply rebuild the network dataset.

If the issue comes from a licensing limitation (scenario 2), further licensing of additional regions in the network dataset may be required to achieve the desired results.

Article ID: 000011381

  • ArcMap

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