The following error may occur while launching ArcMap 10.2.x:
"The program can't start because LayerUILib.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem"
This issue occurs if the LayerUILib.dll file is missing or corrupted from a previous installation.
Method 1: Repair ArcGIS software
Method 2: Uninstall and reinstall ArcGIS software
The instructions below include making changes to essential parts of your operating system. It is recommended that you backup your operating system and files, including the registry, before proceeding. Consult with a qualified computer systems professional, if necessary.
ESRI cannot guarantee results from incorrect modifications while following these instructions. Therefore, use caution and proceed at your own risk.
C:\Program Files (x86)\ArcGIS\Desktop10.2
Article ID: 000012072
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