The Pick Address from Map tool does not create points on the map when rematching addresses

Last Published: April 25, 2020


When using the Pick Address from Map tool in ArcMap, attempting to rematch addresses in the Interactive Rematch dialog box after geocoding fails to plot points on the map.


This issue occurs because the reference data used to create the address locator for geocoding contains Z and M values, which are 3D data. Reference data that have Z and M values are not supported when creating address locators.

If the attribute table of the feature class has a Shape field with polyline features with Z and M values named Polyline ZM, the geocoding results also return points with Z and M values. This causes address rematching using the Pick Address from Map tool to fail when manually plotting points on the map.

Solution or Workaround

To solve this issue, use the Feature Class To Feature Class tool to create an identical feature class, whereby the Shape field is Polyline instead of Polyline ZM.
  1. Launch the Feature Class To Feature Class tool.
  2. In the dialog box, for the input feature, add the feature class used to build the locator, set the output location, and name the new feature class.
  3. Click the Environments button at the bottom of the tool dialog.
  1. In the Environment Settings dialog, click M Values, and select Disabled in the Output has M Values drop-down list.
  2. Repeat Step 4 for Z Values.
  1. Click OK to close the Environment Settings dialog.
  2. Click OK in the Feature Class To Feature Class dialog to execute the tool.
  3. Open the attribute table of the new feature class, and confirm the Shape field is Polyline, instead of Polyline ZM.

When the above steps are completed, create a new address locator using the new polyline feature class as reference data for geocoding, and use the Pick Address from Map tool to create points on the map for rematching addresses.

Article ID: 000012855

  • ArcMap

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