The operation is not supported on an uninitialized object [DirtyAreaManager]

Last Published: April 25, 2020

Error Message

Editing with a Topology that is empty and does not contain any feature classes results in ArcMap failing with the following error message:

"Could not edit the data in the folder or database you selected.
The operation is not supported on an uninitialized object. [DirtyAreaManager]"

Additionally, the error message may be appended with:

"The table was not found.
The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot find the input table or query 'GDB_ReplicaChanges'. Make sure it exists and that its name is spelled correctly."


There is a Topology layer that is empty and does not contain any feature classes.

Solution or Workaround

Remove the Topology layer from ArcMap. Editing of empty Topologies is not permitted. To edit the Topology, there must be at least one participating feature class.

    Article ID: 000006724

    • ArcMap

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