The feature could not be split. Edge endpoint is not coincident with junction

Last Published: April 25, 2020

Error Message

While trying to split an edge feature within a geometric network, the following error is seen:

"The feature could not be split.
Edge endpoint is not coincident with junction. [class = (feature class name), oid = (objectid)]"

The message may also contain the following errors:

• "Zero-length polylines not allowed [class = (feature class name), oid = (objectid)]"
• "The operation was attempted on an empty geometry"


This error is raised when a split is called on an edge feature that has a vertex (typically either it's a 'from' or 'to' vertex) that is slightly misaligned with the junction at that vertex. The disjoint edge and junction features are connected prior to the split operation due to a previous bug with the geometric network that was fixed at an earlier release.

The problem is exposed when an edge is slightly misaligned with an end junction which is outside the tolerance of the dataset. In this case, an error message is reported instead of continuing towards an incorrect split operation.

Solution or Workaround

The only way to determine if this error may be encountered is to inspect the coordinate information of the edge and junction vertices, therefore it is not recommended.

Once the error is raised, the recommended way to correct the issue is to modify the geometries of one of the features to force the vertices to snap to the same location. Possible options for correcting the issue prior to splitting the edge are:

• Manually modifying the vertex information of the junction and edge vertex to be coincident according to the tolerance of the dataset.
• Slightly moving the junction feature identified by the error message.
• Adding a vertex to the edge feature and finish the sketch, then removing the vertex.

    Article ID:000011769

    • ArcMap

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