BUG-000173426: The Calculate Magnetic Components tool fails to calculate magnetic components for dates on or after January 1, 2025.

Last Published: February 5, 2025


When using the Calculate Magnetic Components tool, a user will encounter the following error when specifying a date of January 1, 2025 or after for the Date parameter:

Error 090030 The tool can only calculate magnetic component values for dates between 1/1/2025 and 12/31/2024.

error message as shown in the program user interface


The World Magnetic Model (WMM) must be updated with the latest coefficients to address changes in the Earth's magnetic field. The current version, World Magnetic Model 2025 (WMM2025) released by NOAA on December 17, 2024, must be added to the WMM.  Please refer to the following bug:

BUG-000173426: The Calculate Magnetic Components tool fails to calculate magnetic components for dates on or after 1/1/2025


The WMM has been updated for ArcGIS Pro 3.5 and ArcGIS Enterprise 11.5, which are scheduled for release in Q2 of 2025.

The WMM has been updated for ArcGIS Pro 3.3 patch 4 (3.3.4).

  • Patches are planned for the following versions of ArcGIS Pro: 3.4, 3.2, and 3.1.
  • Patches are planned for the following versions of ArcGIS Enterprise: 11.4, 11.3, 11.2, and 11.1.

Until a patch is released for the version of the software listed above, you can update the WMM on your machine by the following steps:

  1. Download the WorldMagneticModelCoefficient2025_2030.zip to your machine.
  2. The WorldMagneticModelCoefficient2025_2030.zip contains a WMM.xml file. Unzip the contents of the WorldMagneticModelCoefficient2025_2030.zip. You must have permission to overwrite the existing WMM.xml on your machine.
    • On a machine running ArcGIS Pro, copy the WMM.xml file to: <installation_location>\ArcGIS\Pro\Resources\Defense
    • On a machine running ArcGIS Enterprise:
      1. Stop the ArcGIS Server service.
      2. Copy the WMM.xml file to <installation_location>\ArcGIS\Server\framework\runtime\ArcGIS\Resources\Defense
      3. Restart the ArcGIS Server service.


Article ID: 000034619

  • ArcGIS Pro
  • ArcGIS Server

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