Error Message
After installing ArcGIS License Manager 9.3 and restarting the computer, the following error is displayed:
The ArcGIS License Manager service on Local Computer started then stopped. Some services stop automatically if they have no work to do, for example, the Performance Logs and Alerts service."
Occasionally, the ArcGIS License Manager service will not start automatically with certain system configurations.
Solution or Workaround
- Navigate to Start > Programs > ArcGIS > License Manager (9.x) > License Manager Tools.
- Make sure the 'Configuration using Services' is selected.
- Click the 'Config Services' tab.
- Verify that the path to the license file is C:\PROGRA~1\ESRI\License\arcgis9x.
- Change the path to the debug log file to C:\LMTOOLS\lmgrd9.log.
- On the 'Config Services' tab, press the 'Save Service' button, and click Yes.
- Go to the 'Start/Stop/Reread' tab.
- Click 'Stop Server', the status bar at the bottom will read ‘Stopping Server’. Wait approximately 10 seconds, then click 'Start Server', the status bar will change to ‘Server Start Successful’. Finally click on the 'Reread License File and wait until the status bar reads ‘Reread Server License File Completed’.
- Click on 'Perform Status Enquiry', scroll to the bottom of the list and check for '(Total of _ licenses issued; Total of _ licenses in use)' on the last line, this indicates the license manager is running.
- If the expected results are not returned from the License Manager, try checking the 'LMTOOLS ignores license path environment variables' and repeat the 'Stop/Start/Reread' process (steps 7-9).