The ArcGIS for Local Government Tax Parcel Viewer (10.1) uses hardcoded sample map services in the utils.js file instead of using the map services defined in the config.js file. This prevents the Create Property Report and Create Property Map functions from generating the correct pdf content.
This is caused by hardcoded values in the utils.js file.
The steps provided describe how to update ArcGIS for Local Government’s Tax Parcel Viewer application (10.1) to use the organization's map services for generating property reports and property maps.
- In Windows Explorer, navigate to the installation location of the application, and browse to the js/utils.js file.
- Copy the file and rename it backup_utils.txt.
- Open the original utils.js in Notepad or another text editor.
- Scroll down the utils.js file (approximately line 1311) to the map service below:
"url": "",
- Copy and paste the TaxParcelQuery map service published locally, overwriting the hardcoded sample service.
The result should look similar to the code snippet below:
"url": "http://<>/ArcGIS/rest/services/TaxParcelQuery/MapServer/0",
- Save the utils.js file and scroll down the utils.js file (approximately line 1355) to the map service below:
"url": ""
- Copy and paste the ParcelPublicAccessMI map service published locally, overwriting the hardcoded sample service.
The result should look similar to the code snippet below:
"url": "http://<>/ArcGIS/rest/services/ParcelPublicAccessMI/MapServer"
- Save the utils.js file
- Open a web browser, clear the cache and test the application to ensure it is operating correctly.