Summary Reports tool crashes during geoprocessing if the input Boundary Layer is created with the Customer Derived Areas tool

Last Published: April 25, 2020


In ArcGIS Business Analyst Pro 2.1, the Summary Reports geoprocessing tool crashes during processing if the input Boundary Layer is created with the Customer Derived Areas geoprocessing tool.


This crash is caused by an issue with the attribute AREA_ID__BAPRO, which is created when using the Customer Derived Areas geoprocessing tool.


Delete the AREA_ID__BAPRO field from the Customer Derived Areas feature class. To do so, ensure that the output feature class with the problematic field is loaded in the Table of Contents, and then follow the steps below.

  1. Open the feature class attribute table by right-clicking the item in the Table of Contents and selecting Attribute Table.
  2. Click the header of field AREA_ID_BAPRO to highlight it, and click the Delete button.
  3. Click Yes in the dialog that pops up to confirm the intent to delete.

    User-added image

Once this field is removed, the issue is resolved and the feature class can be used as the input boundary in the Summary Reports geoprocessing tool.

Article ID: 000017575

  • ArcGIS Business Analyst Pro

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