State of credentials (username & password) property for SDE layers in a map are not updated when using ArcPy mapping methods

Last Published: April 25, 2020


The ArcPy mapping module provides a number of methods that allow changes to a layer's workspace path or data source. These methods include:


Replacing the SDE connection properties for layers is a supported workflow. However, in cases where a layer's SDE connection where the credentials (username & password) are in one state (saved/not saved) are being replaced with a connection with a different saved/not saved state, the new state is not honored.

For example, there may be a map with layers originally using an SDE connection where the credential are saved (there is no prompt to enter credentials when opening the map). Replace the layers with a SDE connection where the credentials are not saved. There is an expectation that the next time the map is opened there will be a prompt for credentials - the layer should now be using a connection where this information is not saved. Instead, there is still no prompt for credentials.


This is a known limitation at ArcGIS 10 when using a local path to the SDE connection file.

For example, the following code does not update credentials:

import arcpy
mxd = arcpy.mapping.MapDocument(r"C:\Data\Sde Map.mxd")
r"C:\Data\MyServer Enter Credentials.sde")
mxd.saveACopy(r"C:\Data\Sde Map Output.mxd")
del mxd

Use bug NIM058538 when referencing this issue.


Use a UNC path to point to the new sde connection files. For example:

import arcpy
mxd = arcpy.mapping.MapDocument(r"C:\Data\Sde Map.mxd")
r"\\10FinalXp\Data\MyServer Enter Credentials.sde")
mxd.saveACopy(r"C:\Data\Sde Map Output.mxd")
del mxd

    Article ID: 000010966

    • ArcMap

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