The following error or warning is received when starting an edit session in ArcMap:
"Start editing encountered one or more layers with errors or warnings and cannot continue. Incorrect edit version type."
Previous versions displayed different wording within the error message:
"Could not edit any of the map's layers. All data sources in the map are registered as versioned or you lack privileges to modify data sources which are not registered as versioned."
There are several causes for this error:
• Starting a non-versioned editing session if there are layers within the map document that are registered as versioned.
• Starting an edit session when there is a mixture of versioned and non-versioned data in the feature dataset.
• The dataset participates in advanced geodatabase functionality (such as a topology/geometric network). The dataset must be registered as versioned to start an edit session within an enterprise geodatabase.
Only nonversioned simple data —points, lines, polygons, annotation, and relationships can be edited. Feature classes in a topology, network datasets, or geometric networks cannot be edited. See 'A quick tour of working with nonversioned data' in the Related Information section of this article.
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