ST_SHAPELIB library location and name not created correctly on AIX and HP_UX

Last Published: April 25, 2020


When running Spatial Type for Oracle functions on AIX and HP, the following error message is displayed:

"ORA-06522: Unable to find library libst_shapelib.so"


The ArcSDE for Oracle ST_SHAPELIB library file is used for SQL access to ST_Geometry data. The ST_SHAPELIB library file name is not being correctly created on AIX and HP during the post-installation stage of ArcSDE. The default library file name is being created under location and name:


On AIX, the correct file name is libst_shapelib_64.so. On HP, the correct file name is st_shapelib.sl.


Re-create the ST_SHAPELIB library in Oracle as the 'sde' schema user.

  1. Log into Oracle as the sde user, for example:
    sqlplus sde/sde
  2. Re-create the library.

    On HP_UX:

    SQL> create or replace library SDE.ST_SHAPELIB AS
    SQL> '<path to library file>/libst_shapelib.sl';

    On AIX

    SQL> create or replace library SDE.ST_SHAPELIB AS
    SQL> '<path to library file>/libst_shapelib_64.so';

Article ID: 000009163

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