Share extruded features from ArcGIS Pro to ArcGIS Online

Last Published: April 25, 2020


Extruded polygon features are not currently supported in ArcGIS Online. The features display correctly in ArcGIS Pro, but when sharing the features, they do not show up in the ArcGIS Online web scene.

True 3D features with Z-values can be displayed in 3D in the web scene viewer. However, if an extrusion is used in ArcGIS Pro to display a 2D feature as a 3D feature, the extruded polygon is not displayed in the scene viewer once it is shared.


The instructions provided describe how to display 2D features from ArcGIS Pro as a 3D scene layer, viewable from within ArcGIS Online.
  1. In ArcGIS Pro, select the 2D features containing height value data in the attribute table.
           2D features ArcGIS Pro
  1. Extrude the 2D features, using the attribute height field, to display them in 3D.
           Extrude features in ArcGIS Pro
  1. Convert the 3D features to a multipatch feature class using the Layer 3D To Feature Class tool.
  2. Package the multipatch layer into a scene layer package (.spk) using the Create Scene Layer Package tool.
  3. Log into ArcGIS Online, and navigate to My Content > Add Item > From Computer. Select the .spk file created from the previous step.
  4. Upload the scene layer package to ArcGIS Online and publish the scene layer package as a scene layer.
              Upload the scene layer package
  1. Once published, open the hosted scene layer in the web scene viewer by selecting the Open in Scene Viewer option.
           Open in Scene Viewer
            The resulting 3D layer is displayed below:       
             Result 3D    

Article ID: 000014279

  • ArcGIS Pro
  • ArcGIS Online

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