Set up web security using Windows Authentication with IIS for Workflow Manager JavaScript viewer

Last Published: April 26, 2020


Web security can be set up for ArcGIS Workflow Manager viewers using Windows Authentication with IIS.

Instructions provided explain how to set up web security for the JavaScript viewer.


  1. Enable Windows Authentication in IIS.
  2. In the JavaScript viewer folder, rename the 'web.config' file to 'web-secure.config'.
  3. Rename the file extension of index.html to index.aspx.

    This enables the file to be edited as a .NET file.
  4. Open the index.aspx for editing. Replace the value for user = "Configuration.DefaultUser" to user = "<%= User.Identity.Name.Replace("AVWORLD\","") %>"
    Replace AVWORLD to match the organization’s domain.

  5. Save index.aspx.

  6. Open the JavaScript viewer using the url -
    Some web browsers automatically log users in. If not, enter the user login information and click OK.

Article ID: 000013264

  • ArcGIS Workflow Manager for Server

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