Set the environment settings for ArcToolbox

Last Published: April 25, 2020


Instructions provided describe how to set the environment settings for ArcToolbox.


Environment settings can be thought of as additional parameters that a tool can use to affect its results. They differ from normal parameters in that they do not appear on a tool's dialog box (with certain exceptions). Rather, they are values set once using a separate dialog box, and are then used by tools when they are run. There are over thirty environment settings that are arranged in six categories: general, cartography, coverage, geodatabase, raster analysis, and raster storage.
There are four levels of environment settings: application, tool, model, and model process. These four environment levels form a kind of hierarchy, where application level environments are the highest level. This article only discusses setting environmental parameters at application level; the following are ways to achieve this:

  1. In the ArcToolbox window, right-click the ArcToolbox entry and click Environments.

  2. From the Tools menu in any application, such as ArcCatalog or ArcMap, click Options and click the Geoprocessing tab. Click the Environments button, which opens the Environment Settings dialog box.

  3. Application environments can also be set at the command line; for example, to set up scratch workspace, use command "scratchworkspace c:\scratch”.
    Click here for more environment commands.

Article ID: 000010016

  • ArcMap 8 x
  • ArcMap 9 x

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