Selecting the name stops added with tool using nearest address option and a composite geocoding service fails to assign an address to the stop

Last Published: April 25, 2020


Defining stops along a route fails to assign an address to the stop when clicking on the map to add a stop with the Define a Stop tool button


This occurs when the following Options on the Find Route dialog box are set:

1. Name stops added with the tool using the nearest address option checked.
2. A composite geocoding service (address locator) selected.

Composite geocoding services (address locators) do not support reverse geocoding functionality.

Solution or Workaround

  1. Open the Find Route dialog box and select the Options tab.
  2. Select a geocoding service (address locator) that is not composite.
    To check if a geocoding service (address locator) is composite:

    1. Start ArcCatalog and navigate to the geocoding service (address locator) in the Catalog tree
    2. Select the geocoding service (address locator). The file icon is a red house on a parcel with an arrow pointing to it.
    3. Right-click on the geocoding service (address locator) and click Properties.
    4. The geocoding service (address locator) is composite if the name of the dialog box that displays is 'Composite Address Locator Properties'.

    The geocoding service (address locator) file ends in a .loc extension, and often resides in a folder associated with street data.

Article ID: 000007338

  • ArcMap 9 x

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