Segment Table Full (CRESEG) (PUTSEG), Bailing out of OVRSEG

Last Published: April 25, 2020

Solution or Workaround


CLEAN and other overlay commands return the following error message:

"Segment Table Full (CRESEG).
Bailing out of OVRSEG"

The message may list the (PUTSEG) routine as well.


The arrangement of arcs and segments in the coverage is too dense. The limitation is reached in the arc intersection stage when there are too many band-related segments in the scan line. The limit is 8,000 entries in the active segment table.

The (CREPUT) and (PUTSEG ) errors can occur when a coverage has been corrupted.


The arc segment limit can be reached when generating a buffer with a fuzzy tolerance that is relatively large compared to the buffer distance. Increasing an inappropriate small fuzzy tolerance can alleviate the situation.

The bandwidth is proportional to the fuzzy tolerance value; changing the fuzzy tolerance value may help. Decrease or increase the fuzzy tolerance for the coverage and rerun CLEAN.

When sheer arc density is the cause, the effective workaround is to divide the coverage into smaller parts using either ARCEDIT PUT, ARC SPLIT, or the ARC RESELECT command.

The scan line stretches east to west across the entire coverage. It first appears at the north (or top) of the coverage and is repeated until it hits the bottom of the coverage. Since dividing the coverage vertically splits the width of the scan line, dividing the coverage into east and west sections is usually the most effective split. However, look at the geometry of the coverage and make the division so a minimal number of arcs have segments in the scan line.

If the coverage involved is small relative to the software limit, coverage corruption is a probable cause. Try this on a copy of the coverage.

Arc: arcedit
Arcedit: editcoverage copycov
Arcedit: editfeature arcs
Arcedit: select all
Arcedit: move parallel 0 (Moves all the features in the coverage.)
Arcedit: save copycov
Arcedit: quit y
Arc: build copycov

See the online help if the appropriateness of the coverage fuzzy tolerances needs to be evaluated: ArcDoc > ARC/INFO Concepts > ARC/INFO Data Management > Coverage processing tolerances > Fuzzy tolerance > Common fuzzy tolerance values.

See also: ArcDoc > Help Topics > ARC/INFO Data Management > Coverage Data Limitations.

Article ID:000001410

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