After upgrading the ArcGIS Data Store from 10.3.1 to 10.4 or 10.4.1, scene services fail to render from the Web Scene Viewer in the Portal for ArcGIS website.
Unregister and re-register the data store.
- Open a command prompt as an administrator, and change directories to the ArcGIS Data Store tools directory.
The default location on Windows is: C:\program files\arcgis\datastore\tools.
On Linux, it is: /home/installeduser/arcgis/datastore/tools.
- Run the unregisterdatastore command.
For example:
Windows: C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\DataStore\tools>unregisterdatastore.bat
Linux: $ ./
- Run the registerdatastore command:
Usage: registerdatastore <serverURL> <serverAdmin> <serverAdminPassword>
For example:
Windows: C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\DataStore\tools>registerdatastore.bat admin mIadminpw
Linux: ./registerdatastore.bat admin mIadminpw