Save paper when printing with POSTSCRIPT

Last Published: April 25, 2020


This document describes how to manually edit a PostScript file to ensure that it does not spool extra paper when printed.


  1. Open the PostScript file in a text editor. For example, on Windows use Notepad; on UNIX platforms use the vi command.
  2. Find the line in the header of the PostScript file that contains the comment 'BoundingBox'.
  3. Replace 'xxxx yyyy' in line two of the following text with the second pair of numbers in the 'BoundingBox' line.
  4. Append these 4 lines to the top of the PostScript file. xxxx and yyyy are the dimensions of the plot in inches (x,y) multiplied by 72:

    %%Beginfeature: *PageRegion AnsiC
    2 dict dup /PageSize [xxxx yyyy] put dup
    /ImagingBBox null put setpagedevice

    Tip for UNIX users: The quickest method is to save these lines as a file (e.g. hp650.hdr) and then use the UNIX 'cat' command to join this header file and the PostScript file into a third file and spool the resulting file from the UNIX prompt. For example:

    cat hp650.hdr myfile.eps > newfile.eps

    lpr -s -Php650 newfile.eps

Article ID: 000007689

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