This document describes how to manually edit a PostScript file to ensure that it does not spool extra paper when printed.
- Open the PostScript file in a text editor. For example, on Windows use Notepad; on UNIX platforms use the vi command.
- Find the line in the header of the PostScript file that contains the comment 'BoundingBox'.
- Replace 'xxxx yyyy' in line two of the following text with the second pair of numbers in the 'BoundingBox' line.
- Append these 4 lines to the top of the PostScript file. xxxx and yyyy are the dimensions of the plot in inches (x,y) multiplied by 72:
%%Beginfeature: *PageRegion AnsiC
2 dict dup /PageSize [xxxx yyyy] put dup
/ImagingBBox null put setpagedevice
Tip for UNIX users: The quickest method is to save these lines as a file (e.g. hp650.hdr) and then use the UNIX 'cat' command to join this header file and the PostScript file into a third file and spool the resulting file from the UNIX prompt. For example:
cat hp650.hdr myfile.eps > newfile.eps
lpr -s -Php650 newfile.eps