The Rotate Tool does not work properly during the georeference workflow.

Last Published: July 21, 2021


When a computer's regional settings use something other than a period (.) as a decimal separator, the georeference rotation tool fails to save the rotation set by the user when there is not an associated spatial reference for the data. 


This is caused by a decimal symbol set as something other than a period, and/or the digit grouping symbol set as something other than a comma (,).


To workaround this issue, define a projection for your BIM or CAD features before adding your BIM or CAD content to a map.

  1. Run the Define Projection geoprocessing tool on the BIM File feature class (IFC or Revit).
  1. Once the projection is defined, add your content to a map or scene and continue with the georeferencing process.
  • This issue has been resolved in ArcGIS Pro 2.9.
  • This issue does not affect ArcGIS Pro 2.7.3 and earlier versions. 

Article ID: 000026101

  • ArcGIS Pro 2 8 x

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