REST login page over SSL redirects to port 80 after logging on.
Internet Information Services (IIS) has not been set up to serve Web pages and other resources via Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTPS).
Solution or Workaround
After configuring Internet Information Services to use SSL, configure the system to remain in SSL after logging on to REST.
- Set up SSL and Require SSL for the Services Directory login and admin pages. See the Web help topic Setting up SSL.
- Configure the REST\rest.config file (the default location is under inetpub\wwwroot\ArcGIS).
• Replace all occurrences of http://machine_name with HTTPS except for <SoapUrl> because it already has <SoapSslUrl> with HTTPS. - Start ArcGIS Server Manager and require clients to connect to ArcGIS Server services using HTTPS.
a) In ArcGIS Server Manager, click Services.
b) In the drop-down listbox, select the folder(s) to apply HTTPS (to require HTTPS access for the entire server, select the root).
c) Click Manage Folders and in the drop-down list, click Properties.
d) In the Folder Properties dialog box, check 'Require Encrypted Web Access' and click OK. See the section titled 'Requiring HTTPS for folders and services' in the Web help topic: Securing Internet connections to services.