Requested method could not be completed with the parameters provided - construct circular arc

Last Published: April 25, 2020

Error Message

This problem is addressed in ArcGIS 8.1 Service Pack 1. See the Related Information section to download this pack.

When using the circular arc construction method ConstructBearingRadiusAngle or ConstructBearingAngleArc if a central angle of 360 degrees (6.28318530717959 radians) is used, this error is returned.

Solution or Workaround

The work-around is to create a temporary line geometry that has its endpoint at the start point of the circle and use the ConstructTangentRadiusAngle constructor.

For example, assuming you are using the following line of code:


pConstCirc.ConstructBearingRadiusAngle MyStartPoint, 0, False, 42, 6.28318530717959

replace this line with the following code:


Dim pLn As esriCore.ILine, pPnt As esriCore.IPoint, pConstP As IConstructPoint
Set pLn = New esriCore.Line
Set pPnt = New esriCore.Point
Set pConstP = pPnt
pConstP.ConstructAngleDistance MyStartPoint, 0, 42
pLn.PutCoords MyStartPoint, pPnt
pConstCirc.ConstructTangentRadiusAngle pLn, True, False, 42, 6.28318530717959

Article ID:000003778

  • ArcMap 8 x

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