Report geodatabase versioning statistics in a SQL Server geodatabase

Last Published: April 25, 2020


The instructions provided describe how to report geodatabase versioning statistics in a SQL Server geodatabase. The SQL script provided below reports information about a versioned geodatabase in SQL Server. The output lists the number of versions, the number of versions blocking the DEFAULT version from being compressed to state 0, as well as the owner.names of the first five blocking versions, the number of states, the number of entries in the state_lineages table, and the number of rows in the versioned table and delta tables.

  • This script is comparable to the script for Oracle geodatabases (KB 000010358).
  • This script works optimally in normal SDE and DBO schema SQL Server geodatabases.  
  • If necessary, change the SDE schema to DBO manually in the script. (CTRL-H, "sde.", "dbo.")
  • Output is sent to the Messages tab in SQL Server Management Studio.


Follow the instructions provided below.

  1. Copy and paste the script below into a SQL editor or SQL Server Management Studio.
  2. If necessary, change the schema of the tables from SDE to DBO (CTRL-H, "sde.", "dbo.").
  3. Execute the script.

--Uncomment this CREATE TABLE statement and the INSERT INTO statement
--on line 150 and 151 to generate a permanent table containing adds and deletes counts.
/* create table delta_info
    id int identity(1,1),
    table_name nvarchar(100),
    registration_id int,
    adds int,
    deletes int
) */

DECLARE @versions_info_tab TABLE
    ver_info_state_id int,
    source_lin int,
    com_anc_id int,
    lin_name int,
    state_id int

DECLARE @blocking_list TABLE
    state_id int,
    name varchar(100)

DECLARE @delta_table_info TABLE
    a_table_name nvarchar(50),
    d_table_name nvarchar(50),
    a_table_count int,
    d_table_count int

DECLARE @ver_count int = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sde.SDE_versions)
DECLARE @state_count int = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sde.sde_states)
DECLARE @state_lineages_count int = (SELECT COUNT(*) cnt FROM sde.SDE_state_lineages)

-- If the geodatabase has never been compressed, the SDE_compress_log table will not exist.
DECLARE @last_compress varchar(15)
IF EXISTS (SELECT table_name FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE table_schema IN ('SDE', 'DBO') AND table_name = 'SDE_compress_log')
       SET @last_compress = CONVERT(varchar(15), (SELECT MAX(compress_end) FROM sde.SDE_compress_log), 1)
       SET @last_compress = 'No compress log table';

DECLARE @ver_info_state_id int, @message varchar(100) = '', @source_lin int, 
        @com_anc_id int, @lin_name int, @state_id int, @ver_blocking int = 0,
        @cur_max_state int, @pos int, @idx int, @s1 int = 0, @s2 int = 0, @s3 
        int = 0, @s4 int = 0, @s5 int = 0, @blocking_ver_name nvarchar(100), 
        @blocking_ver_count int, @table_info_name varchar(100), @table_info_reg_id int,
        @table_info_owner varchar(100), @p_stmt nvarchar(200),@a_stmt nvarchar(max), 
        @d_stmt nvarchar(max), @row_count int

DECLARE table_info_cur CURSOR FOR
    SELECT owner, table_name, registration_id
    FROM sde.sde_table_registry
    WHERE sde.sde_table_registry.object_flags&8 = 8
    SELECT DISTINCT state_id
      FROM sde.sde_versions
      WHERE name = 'DEFAULT' and owner IN ('SDE', 'DBO')
      ORDER BY state_id;

SELECT @state_id=state_id, @lin_name = lineage_name FROM sde.sde_states
WHERE state_id = (SELECT state_id FROM sde.sde_versions WHERE name = 'DEFAULT' and owner IN ('SDE', 'DBO'));

SET @cur_max_state = @state_id
PRINT '========== Versioning Statistics ================='
PRINT 'Number of versions: ' + CONVERT(varchar, @ver_count)
PRINT '=============='
OPEN ver_list_cur
FETCH NEXT FROM ver_list_cur INTO @ver_info_state_id
        SELECT @row_count = COUNT(*) FROM sde.sde_state_lineages WHERE lineage_name = @lin_name AND lineage_id <= @state_id
        SELECT @source_lin = lineage_name FROM sde.SDE_states where state_id = @ver_info_state_id
        ;WITH sel_max_lin_id AS 
            SELECT lineage_id FROM sde.sde_state_lineages WHERE lineage_name = @lin_name AND lineage_id <= @state_id
            SELECT lineage_id FROM sde.sde_state_lineages WHERE lineage_name = @source_lin AND lineage_id <= @ver_info_state_id
        SELECT @com_anc_id = (SELECT MAX(lineage_id) FROM sel_max_lin_id)

        INSERT INTO @versions_info_tab VALUES(@ver_info_state_id, @source_lin, @com_anc_id, @lin_name, @state_id);

    FETCH NEXT FROM ver_list_cur INTO @ver_info_state_id
CLOSE ver_list_cur

-- Generate table of blocking version names
;WITH get_block_ver AS
   SELECT owner+'.'+name as name, state_id FROM sde.sde_versions
       WHERE state_id NOT IN
           (SELECT DISTINCT lineage_id FROM sde.sde_state_lineages
                WHERE lineage_name IN
                 (SELECT DISTINCT lineage_name FROM sde.sde_state_lineages
                  WHERE lineage_id IN (SELECT ver_info_state_id FROM @versions_info_tab)  -- using only the values from the cursor which filters out the default version

INSERT INTO @blocking_list
SELECT state_id, name FROM get_block_ver -- WHERE state_id < @ver_info_state_id -- AND name NOT LIKE '%SYNC%'

DECLARE blocking_ver_name_cur CURSOR FOR
    SELECT name FROM @blocking_list
SET @blocking_ver_count = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM @blocking_list)

PRINT 'Number of versions blocking DEFAULT: ' + CONVERT(varchar, @blocking_ver_count)
PRINT 'Blocking Versions: '
OPEN blocking_ver_name_cur
FETCH NEXT FROM blocking_ver_name_cur INTO @blocking_ver_name

        PRINT '    ' + @blocking_ver_name
        FETCH NEXT FROM blocking_ver_name_cur INTO @blocking_ver_name
CLOSE blocking_ver_name_cur
PRINT '=============='
PRINT 'Number of states: ' + CONVERT(varchar, @state_count)
PRINT 'Number of state lineages: ' + CONVERT(varchar, @state_lineages_count)
PRINT 'Last Compress: ' + CONVERT(varchar, @last_compress)

OPEN table_info_cur
FETCH NEXT FROM table_info_cur INTO @table_info_owner, @table_info_name, @table_info_reg_id
        DECLARE @a_count int, @d_count int
        PRINT 'Table:  ' + @table_info_owner + '.'+  @table_info_name + ' (' + CONVERT(varchar, @table_info_reg_id) + ')'
        SET @a_stmt = N'SELECT @a_count=COUNT(*) FROM ' + @table_info_owner + '.a' + CONVERT(varchar, @table_info_reg_id)
        EXEC sp_executesql @query = @a_stmt, @params = N'@a_count INT OUTPUT', @a_count = @a_count OUTPUT

        SET @d_stmt = N'SELECT @d_count=COUNT(*) FROM ' + @table_info_owner + '.D' + CONVERT(varchar, @table_info_reg_id)
        EXEC sp_executesql @query = @d_stmt, @params = N'@d_count INT OUTPUT', @d_count = @d_count OUTPUT

        INSERT INTO @delta_table_info VALUES 
            @table_info_owner + '.a' + CONVERT(varchar, @table_info_reg_id),
            @table_info_owner + '.D' + CONVERT(varchar, @table_info_reg_id),
        /* INSERT INTO dbo.delta_info (table_name, registration_id, adds, deletes)
        VALUES (@table_info_name, @table_info_reg_id, @a_count, @d_count) */
        PRINT 'Adds Count:    ' + CONVERT(varchar, @a_count)
        PRINT 'Deletes Count: ' + CONVERT(varchar, @d_count)
        PRINT ''
        FETCH NEXT FROM table_info_cur INTO @table_info_owner, @table_info_name, @table_info_reg_id

CLOSE table_info_cur

DEALLOCATE ver_list_cur
DEALLOCATE blocking_ver_name_cur
DEALLOCATE table_info_cur
Sample output:
​==========Versioning Statistics=================
Number of versions: 2   ==============
Number of versions blocking DEFAULT: 1
Blocking Versions: 
Number of states: 3577
Number of state lineages: 100015
Last Compress: 2018-01-09
Adds Count:    124
Deletes Count: 124
Adds Count:    8
Deletes Count: 8

Article ID:000017513

  • ArcGIS Desktop
  • Enterprise

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