Renaming a table in Oracle that contains an st_geometry attribute: ORA-01403: no data found

Last Published: April 25, 2020


Renaming a table in Oracle with ArcCatalog, which contains a st_geometry attribute without a spatial index, fails with the following underlying DBMS error:

"ORA-01403: no data found".


When the rename operation is performed, ArcSDE calls the sde.st_geom_cols_util.update_gcol_table procedure to update metadata in the sde.st_geometry_columns and sde.st_geometry_index tables. When no index is present on the st_geometry attribute, a cursor querying the st_geometry_index table returns no rows, causing the operation to fail.


Create a spatial index on the st_geometry attribute and perform the rename operation. If required, drop the spatial index after performing the rename operation.

    Article ID: 000010087

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