The table window in ArcMap allows you to add and delete fields in a table. Schema changes such as adding and deleting fields are normally done in ArcCatalog. For some applications you may not want to expose these commands in ArcMap.
- Click Tools > Customize.
- Click the Commands tab on the Customize dialog.
- Click Save in dropdown list and select Normal.mxt.
- Click the Toolbars tab.
- Check Context Menus.
- Select the 'Tables option context menu' option from the Context Menu dropdown list.
- Click and drag off the Add Field command from the menu. Release the mouse button when you have dragged the command away from the ArcMap application.
- Select the 'Table column context menu' option from the Context Menu dropdown list.
- Click and drag off the Delete Field command from the menu. Release the mouse button when you have dragged the command away from the ArcMap application.
- Close the Context Menu and Customize dialog boxes.
To get the Add field and Delete field commands back, delete the Normal.mxt file. The next time you start ArcMap a new Normal.mxt will be created and the commands will appear. Deleting Normal.mxt will also remove any other customizations stored in this file.