Remove the Add field and Delete field commands from ArcMap

Last Published: April 25, 2020


The table window in ArcMap allows you to add and delete fields in a table. Schema changes such as adding and deleting fields are normally done in ArcCatalog. For some applications you may not want to expose these commands in ArcMap.


  1. Click Tools > Customize.
  2. Click the Commands tab on the Customize dialog.
  3. Click Save in dropdown list and select Normal.mxt.
  4. Click the Toolbars tab.
  5. Check Context Menus.
  6. Select the 'Tables option context menu' option from the Context Menu dropdown list.
  7. Click and drag off the Add Field command from the menu. Release the mouse button when you have dragged the command away from the ArcMap application.
  8. Select the 'Table column context menu' option from the Context Menu dropdown list.
  9. Click and drag off the Delete Field command from the menu. Release the mouse button when you have dragged the command away from the ArcMap application.
  10. Close the Context Menu and Customize dialog boxes.

    To get the Add field and Delete field commands back, delete the Normal.mxt file. The next time you start ArcMap a new Normal.mxt will be created and the commands will appear. Deleting Normal.mxt will also remove any other customizations stored in this file.

Article ID: 000002946

  • ArcMap 8 x

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