Rematching a geocoded feature class created using a composite locator prompts to repair the locator or causes an application crash

Last Published: April 25, 2020


Rematching a geocoded feature class created with a composite locator does not work.

Selecting to automatically rematch the geocoded feature class immediately after geocoding causes the application to crash.

Selecting to interactively rematch the geocoded feature class immediately after geocoding returns an error dialog with the following message:

"There was an error processing candidates"


A known issue in ArcGIS causes paths to participating locators to be stored improperly in the geocoded feature class' metadata. This is caused when the composite locator used to create the geocoded feature class uses relative paths to refer to the locations of the participating locators. As a result, ArcGIS cannot find the composite locator's participating locators when rematching the geocoded feature class.


If it is not necessary for the composite address locator to use relative paths to refer to the locations of the participating locators, open the composite address locator's Properties dialog, and uncheck the 'Store relative path names' option before using it to geocode tables of addresses.

If a geocoded feature class has already been created using a composite address locator that uses relative paths, then repair the definition of the composite locator stored in the geocoded feature class' metadata.

  1. Click 'Done' on the Review/Rematch Addresses dialog immediately after geocoding a table of addresses.
  2. Click 'Yes' when prompted to repair the address locator when rematching a geocoded feature class after geocoding.
  3. Click the name of the first participating locator in the list of participating locators on the Repair Address Locator dialog.
  4. Click the Browse button below the list of participating address locators to navigate to and select the participating locator.
  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 above for all of the remaining participating address locators.
  6. When finished navigating to each of the participating locators, verify that the 'Store relative path names' option is unchecked, and click OK.

Article ID:000007326

  • ArcMap 9 x
  • Legacy Products

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