When using the 'sdelayer -o register' command with a table containing an st_geometry attribute with NULL geometries, the following underlying Oracle error 'ORA-20020' occurs:
D:\>sdelayer -o register -l spatial_view,shape -e p -u tomb -i 5151 -t st_geometry -C objectid,user
ArcSDE 9.2 for Oracle10g Build 508 Thu Apr 17 12:23:18 2008
Layer Administration Utility
Error: Underlying DBMS error (-51).
Error: Cannot Create Layer.
ORA-20020: Table TOMB.SPATIAL_VIEW.shape has multiple SRID's defined to different geometries.
The error results when registering a table with ArcSDE if multiple geometries are present with different SRID values or if there are geometries with the same SRID value and NULL geometries.
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