Registering an Oracle Spatial table as versioned is not granting SDE user all necessary privileges

Last Published: April 25, 2020


When registering an Oracle Spatial table as versioned, the SDE user is not being granted all privileges on the spatial index table. This prevents the SDE user from being able to compress or edit.


ArcSDE needs to assign permissions to the SDE user to allow compress to continue. This problem is fixed in ArcSDE 9.0.

Solution or Workaround

There are two solutions:

  • Upgrade to ArcSDE 9.0 or later. Feature classes registered as versioned with ArcSDE 9.0 or later will have the permissions set properly. Feature classes registered as versioned with pre-9.0 ArcSDE must be handled with the second solution.
  • Use SQL to grant SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE privileges to the user 'SDE' on the spatial index table for all versioned feature classes in the geodatabase.

Article ID: 000008393

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