Reconciling versioned edits returns the error: "Unable to create logfile system tables. User perhaps lacks permission or resources to create tables."

Last Published: April 26, 2020


Reconciling versioned edits returns the following error message if the geodatabase is configured to use shared or session-based log file tables and the log file tables do not already exist in the connected user's schema:

"Unable to create logfile system tables. User perhaps lacks permission or resources to create tables."

This message is returned even if the connected user has privileges to create tables in the database.


The reconcile operation is performed within a single transaction to allow changes to rollback if the reconcile operation is cancelled or encounters issues. Creating log file tables would require part of the data in the reconciliation to be committed to the database, thereby eliminating the ability to recover from failure. Therefore, if the log file tables do not exist before the reconcile operation begins, it fails.

Solution or Workaround

If using the default log file table setting for Oracle, PostgreSQL, DB2, or Informix, follow these steps to create log file tables before reconciling versioned data:

  1. Be sure the user who runs the reconcile operation has privileges to create the required data objects, such as tables.
  2. Have the user add a feature class to ArcMap and make a selection of more than 100 features. No need to save the map; performing the selection creates the shared log file tables the user needs.
  3. If the user does not need to create any other tables, revoke privileges to create tables from the user.

Article ID: 000012549

  • ArcMap

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