Raster to Polygon tool generates Error 000863: Invalid GP data type

Last Published: April 25, 2020

Error Message

When using the Raster to Polygon tool, the following message displays:

"Error 000863: Invalid GP data type;
The specified input is of a different data type than that required by the parameter."


This error is generated when using a float raster as input in the Raster to Polygon tool. Integer rasters are required for the Raster to Polygon input.

Solution or Workaround

To use a float raster with this tool, the raster must be converted to an integer raster. Two of the ways to do this are described below.

Method 1

1. Convert the raster to an integer using the Int tool. Find the Int tool by navigating to the Spatial Analyst toolbox > Math > Int.

2. Convert the integer raster to a polygon using the Raster to Polygon tool.

Method 2

1. Use the Times tool to multiply the float raster by 100 to preserve the decimal values. (This multiplier can be modified to accommodate for additional decimal places.)

2. Convert the integer raster to a polygon using the Raster to Polygon tool.
3. Open the attribute table of the output polygon.

4. Use the Field Calculator to convert the grid value back to floating by dividing the value by 100 (or whatever value the raster was originally multiplied by).

Article ID: 000011401

  • ArcMap

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