Raster layers in the map service prevent the application from starting up when using the ArcGIS Server plug-in for Eclipse IDE

Last Published: April 25, 2020

Error Message

Adding a map service that contains raster layers to a WebADF project in Eclipse, using the ArcGIS Server plug-in wizards, causes the application to encounter the following fatal exception:

javax.faces.FacesException: The scope of the referenced object: '#{}' is shorter than the referring object


The faces-config.xml file generated by the ArcGIS Server plug-in generates a managed-bean representing the LayerDefinition for each raster layer in the map service. These managed-beans contain empty references, '#{}', for the 'renderer' and 'highlightRenderer' properties, which prevents the application from starting up.

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Solution or Workaround

  1. Delete the managed-bean definitions for raster layers from faces-config.xml.
  2. Delete references to these managed-beans from the WebQuery managed-bean.

Article ID: 000010270

  • ArcGIS Server

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