Projecting a raster using Project Raster tool results in an output raster with smaller extents

Last Published: April 25, 2020


Projecting a raster using the Project Raster Tool in ArcToolBox results in an output raster with smaller extents and missing data.


This is a known issue, which occurs if the input raster is in a Geographic Coordinate System, the output is in a Projected Coordinate System, and the output cell size is left blank.


There are two workarounds for this issue.

  • Set the output cell size in the tool
    In the Project Raster Tool, specify a cell size for the output raster. This value can be difficult to determine since the units are being converted from decimal degrees to the new linear units of the output Projected Coordinate System. However, this is the best option if the tool must be used in a model or script.

  • Export raster layer in ArcMap

    1. Add the raster to a new MXD in ArcMap.

    2. Change the coordinate system of the data frame to the desired Projected Coordinate System.

    3. Right-click the name of the raster layer and select Data > Export data.

    4. Select Data Frame (Current) from the Spatial Reference options.

    5. Make any other necessary selections.

    6. Select name, type, and location to output the new raster and click Save.

Article ID: 000007126

  • ArcMap 9 x

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