When a new ArcGIS Survey123 feature service is created, the data is not visible in the ArcGIS Online Map Viewer. When trying to view the data in the Attribute table, the following error is returned:
Error: Accessing data failed
This was an intentional change made with the 3.14 version of Survey123. Unless the Inbox is enabled or editing Sent surveys is enabled on initial publish, Survey123 Connect disables query on the feature services. This was done to provide users with the most secure data implementation and allow them to open their data up as they see fit.
The consequence is the setting under 'What features can editors see?' is set to 'Editors can't see any features, even those they add' by default, as shown in the image below.
In the past, users were publishing surveys from Survey123 Connect and immediately sharing them publicly not knowing that their data was open to the public for querying. With the current implementation, users must make the decision on how their data is shared and who has access to it.
Modify the setting under the What features can editors see? section as required.
Article ID: 000028133
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