Unable to specify an attribute value in the Smart Editor widget for a field symbolized with attribute-driven symbols

Last Published: April 25, 2020


The Smart Editor widget is an extension of the Edit widget in Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS, which provides the ability to edit a series of features and move or modify existing geometries. In some instances, when specifying an attribute value for a field using the Smart Editor widget, the field displays a drop-down list of selectable attributes, preventing users from inserting a custom attribute value. When attempting to edit the field with attributes other than the attributes listed in the drop-down list, the following message is returned:

The value entered is not valid.
Warning: The value is not valid


This is by design. If a feature layer is assigned with symbology based on a field before publishing to ArcGIS Online, the attribute values that can be specified for the field in the Smart Editor widget are restricted to the associated attributes shown in the drop-down list.

Solution or Workaround

To resolve this issue, symbolize the feature layer using the Single symbol symbology in ArcMap, and republish the hosted feature layer to be used in the Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS application.

  1. In the Table Of Contents, right-click the feature layer and click Properties.
  2. In the Layer Properties window, click the Symbology tab, and change the selection in the Show list to Features. This highlights the Single symbol display option.
  3. Click Apply > OK.

    Symbolog in the Layer Properties
  4. Republish the layer to ArcGIS Online to use the hosted feature layer in Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS.

The drop-down arrow is no longer visible for each editable field. The figure below shows the editable field in the Smart Editor widget with no drop-down values.

image showing that all the layer fields are editable

Article ID: 000017872

  • ArcGIS Web AppBuilder
  • ArcGIS Online

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