In ArcGIS Online, it is possible to locate the features of a map based on a specific layer. This provides an additional option instead of performing a search using addresses. To do this, enable the By Layer option in the web map Application Settings. However, features with the Double field type do not display in the layer selection when configuring feature search settings, as explained in ArcGIS Online: Configure feature search.
This article shows an example of a Stores - Customer layer comprising 10 features: one ObjectID, three string fields (ADDRESS, CITY, STATE), and six double fields (CUSTID, LATITUDE, LONGITUDE, SALES, STOREID, ZIP).
Attempting to configure feature search settings to select a ZIP feature (a double field) using the By Layer option is not possible as double fields do not display in the drop-down. Only string fields (ADDRESS, CITY, STATE) are displayed.
This is a known limitation. Only string and integer fields without coded domains are searchable using feature search. This is documented in ArcGIS Online: Configure feature search.
Note: Adding or deleting fields in ArcGIS Online is possible for hosted feature layers, but not feature layers.
The new string field is populated with data from the double field.
In ArcGIS Online Map Viewer, the feature layer configured displays in the search bar drop-down. Performing a feature search on data originally from a double field is possible.
Article ID: 000022710
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