A hosted feature layer view in ArcGIS Online is created as a different view of data represented by a hosted feature layer. A feature layer view can be defined to display only selected features or fields. Similar to a hosted feature layer, a hosted feature layer view can be added into ArcGIS Pro for data or features editing.
In some instances, running a certain geoprocessing tool on a feature layer view with view definitions in ArcGIS Pro fails, and returns the following error message:
Error: 000339: Input <value> does not have OIDs
The feature layer view does not have an ObjectID field that is required for the operation to successfully execute. Refer to ArcGIS Pro: 000339: Input does not have OIDs for more information.
To solve this issue, make a temporary copy of the hosted feature layer view using the Make Feature Layer tool, and export the new layer to a file geodatabase using the Feature Class to Feature Class tool. The latter tool creates an ObjectID field in the output feature class.
Article ID: 000024718
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