When attempting to replace blank fields with new values using the Find and Replace tool, no results are returned, and no replacements are made.
There is a space in the fields. One or more spaces in a field is considered a value. Therefore, the Find and Replace tool is unable to replace the fields with new values.
The image below of the ReliefStatus attribute table displays spaces in a field, also called ReliefStatus, by the cursor location when individual cells are selected.
Use either of the following options to resolve the issue.
!Field name!.replace(" ","")
Note: The Calculate Field tool permanently modifies inputs by changing values in the fields. To avoid undesired data changes, turn on the Enable Undo option in the Calculate Field window before running the tool.
The image of the attribute table below shows that spaces are removed from the field.
Alternatively, insert a single space in the Find box and the intended new value in the Replace box using the Find and Replace control. Refer to ArcGIS Pro: Replace values in a table cell for more information.
Article ID: 000032189
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