The MXD project fails to open in ArcMap, and a layer has a red exclamation point next to the layer name in the Table Of Contents. The check box beside the layer is not available. In some instances, the following error message may be returned:
Error: Classfactory cannot supply requested class.
The MXD project contains layers with broken data links. ArcMap searches for the data referenced by each of the layers when launching the MXD project. A broken link occurs when the data source for a layer is unavailable, and the layer is not drawn. This may be due to the MXD project that is saved in an organizations' ArcGIS Server, but the ArcGIS Server is either no longer available or disconnected, returning the error stated above.
Note: The following procedure does not fix the broken links. However, the procedure allows opening the MXD project without returning any error.
Follow these steps to remove the broken layers:
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