Unable to filter features using the date picker in the Filter widget in ArcGIS Experience Builder

Last Published: June 14, 2024


In ArcGIS Experience Builder, the date picker in the Filter widget can be used to filter features. The visibility of features is limited to those meeting the expression criteria through interactive date selection, facilitating precise analysis and decision-making. However, in some instances, the date picker is not available in the Filter widget, as shown in the image below.

The date picker is not available in the Filter widget


The date value in the field is in a string or numeric format instead of a date format. Thus, the date picker is not available in the Filter widget.

Solution or Workaround

To solve this issue, convert the date in the string or numeric field to a date format using the Convert Temporal Field tool in ArcGIS Pro. Share or overwrite it as a feature layer from ArcGIS Pro to ArcGIS Online before creating a web experience in ArcGIS Experience Builder to use the date picker function in the Filter widget.

  1. Open the project in ArcGIS Pro and convert the time values of a string or numeric field to a date field before sharing or overwriting it as a feature layer to ArcGIS Online.
The Convert Temporal Field tool in the Geoprocessing pane
  1. Sign in to ArcGIS Online and create a web experience from the web map containing the published feature layer with the preferred template.
  2. On the Insert widget panel, drag and drop the Filter widget to the canvas.
  3. On the Filter panel, configure the required settings.
    1. Click + New filter. The Create new filter panel appears.
    2. On the Create new filter panel, click Select data and select a feature layer. In this example, New_poi_datepicker is selected.
The Create new filter panel
  1. Under SQL Expressions, click SQL Expression Builder > Add clause.
  2. For the Field input box, select the converted date field from ArcGIS Pro. In this example, date_conv1 is selected.
  3. For the Operator input box, select a functional operator. In this example, the 'is between' operator is selected.
  4. Click Select source type The Select source type button and select User input.
  5. Click More input settings The More input settings button  > Ask for values. Click OK.
The SQL Expression Builder in the Filter widget panel
  1. Save, preview, and publish the web app.

The image below shows the features filtered using the date picker in the Filter widget in ArcGIS Experience Builder.

The features filtered using the date picker in the Filter widget in ArcGIS Experience Builder

Article ID: 000032669

  • ArcGIS Pro
  • ArcGIS Online
  • ArcGIS Experience Builder

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