Unable to export a mesh as an OBJ file with Site Scan Manager for ArcGIS

Last Published: May 3, 2024


Previously, Site Scan Manager for ArcGIS offered the ability to export a mesh as an OBJ file with all mesh engine options. However as of the July 2021 update, the mesh engine selected now dictates whether an OBJ file can be exported from Site Scan Manager.

OBJ files are not currently supported in Site Scan in the EU region or India.


Recent updates to Site Scan Manager introduced a new Sure for ArcGIS processing engine. Currently, there is no functionality to export an OBJ file after processing with the Esri Sure Engine. However, using the Autodesk Recap engine while processing allows the mesh to be exported as an OBJ file.

Using the Autodesk Recap Engine results in the inability to export the mesh as a Scene Layer Package (SLPK).

Solution or Workaround

To ensure that a mesh can be exported as an OBJ file, use the following steps:

  1. Sign into Site Scan.
  2. Navigate to your mission.
  3. Open the processing menu.
  4. Set Mesh Engine to On - AutoDesk Recap Engine, as shown in the image below.
  5. Set other settings as needed.
  6. Select Process.

Once complete, the mesh can be exported as an OBJ file.


Additionally, all projects that there processed before the July 2021 update that implemented the Esri Sure Engine now have the option to export the mesh as an OBJ file, as they were processed using the previous engine. More information on the July update can be found in What’s new in Site Scan for ArcGIS (July 2021).

Article ID: 000026838

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