Unable to edit a feature class from versioned data in ArcGIS Pro or ArcMap

Last Published: November 5, 2020


In ArcGIS Pro, editing a feature class with versioned data returns the following error message:

Move failed: This data is currently locked by another user and cannot be saved.

In ArcMap, editing the same feature class from the versioned data returns the following error message:

No editable layers, Layer or table is not registered as versioned.


This issue occurs because some of the feature classes in the dataset are not registered as versioned, which usually occurs when a new feature class is added to the feature dataset. See: Registering data as versioned.

If a versioned dataset contains both versioned and non-versioned data, consider the following questions:

  • Why is there a feature class in the dataset that is un-versioned? Is it a new feature class? Can it be removed?
  • Was the non-versioned added data added by mistake?
  • Do you actually want to register that feature class a versioned?
  • Is it necessary to register the feature class as versioned with 'move edits to base' enabled? This is optional, and may cause problems when registering versioned and un-versioned data, as described below in the Solution section. See also Deciding how to register data
Data can only be registered as versioned when it is not in use by other people or applications, because an exclusive lock is required to ensure the dataset is not changing while the adds table is being created.

Solution or Workaround

To resolve this issue, re-register the feature dataset as versioned by following the instructions provided below.

ArcGIS Pro: Register as versioned through the Catalog tree

  1. In the Catalog tree, under the Projects pane, connect to the enterprise geodatabase that contains the feature dataset.
  2. Right-click the feature dataset > Manage > Register As Versioned.

    The picture showing the Manage option and Registered As Versioned option

ArcMap: Register as versioned through Catalog tree

  1. In the Catalog tree, connect to the enterprise geodatabase that contains the feature dataset.
  2. Right-click the feature dataset > Manage > Register As Versioned.

    Registered as versioned option and manage option
The workflows above prompt a dialog box with the option to move edits to base. For more information on registering as versioned with and without the option to move edits to base, refer to A quick tour of registering and unregistering data as versioned.
Register As Versioned prompt
If the dataset contains a mix of versioned and un-versioned feature classes, and the option to move edits to base is enabled, BUG-000082521 may be encountered. To determine if a feature class is versioned or not, right-click it, and click Properties.

If it is necessary to move edits to base, and the dataset contains both versioned and non-versioned data, it may be necessary to un-register and re-register the dataset as versioned. However data loss may occur if there are unreconciled edits in the geodatabase. Before un-registering data as versioned, it is necessary to reconcile and post edits and do a full compress of the geodatabase.

Article ID: 000016850

  • ArcMap
  • ArcGIS Pro

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