Unable to create and delete workbooks in ArcGIS Insights

Last Published: September 20, 2022


Attempting to create a workbook in ArcGIS Insights returns the following error message:

Something went wrong.

An untitled workbook is created as a result. Attempting to delete the workbook fails, returning the error message:

Some items were not deleted because they are delete protected or have dependent items.


This is caused by an undefined error during the ArcGIS Datastore configuration.

Solution or Workaround

To resolve this issue, follow the steps below.

The following workaround instructs the user to unregister the data store. Unregistering the data store stops all services containing data from the data store from functioning.

This action does not delete the data. If the data is required or necessary, Esri recommends using the registerdatastore or configuredatastore utility to add the data once more. Refer to ArcGIS Enteprise: unregisterdatastore for more information on unregistering data stores.
  1. Unregister the ArcGIS Datastore in Server Manager. Stop the ArcGIS Datastore Windows service.
  2. Navigate to the arcgisdatastore folder (located on your installation Drive), and rename it (typically arcgisdatastore_old'). Restart the ArcGIS Datastore Windows service.
  3. Use Command Prompt to run the configuredatastore.bat file. Refer to ArcGIS Enterprise: configuredatastore for information on the command utilities and syntaxes.
  4. Navigate to the arcgisdatastore folder and open the pgdata folder. Open the pg_hba.conf file. Check the contents of the file, and ensure the ins_xxxx users are listed.
  5. Run the describedatastore.bat file. Refer to ArcGIS Enterprise: describedatastore for information on this command utility.
  6. Confirm the information is present in the following order:
    1. The owning system URL: the URL of the GIS Server site to which the data store is registered to.
    2. The Portal for ArcGIS URL: must be the URL of the portal using the GIS Server site as its hosting server.
    3. The data store mode is set to READWRITE.
The Utility Command data store information

It is now possible to create and delete workbooks.

Article ID: 000020583

  • ArcGIS Data Store
  • ArcGIS Insights

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