Unable to create a relationship class via the Catalog pane in ArcGIS Pro

Last Published: July 12, 2021


Relationship classes can be created in ArcGIS Pro to identify the correlation between features or fields in the origin table and the destination table using the Create Relationship Class tool. In some instances, a relationship class cannot be created via the Catalog pane in ArcGIS Pro, as shown in the image below.

The ArcGIS Pro Catalog pane with the create new Relationship Class selection unavailable


  • Deleting, renaming, or copying files to another location within the file geodatabase folder causes data loss and can render the geodatabase unusable. By design, the contents of a file geodatabase folder are cryptically named to discourage such operations. Refer to ArcGIS Pro: Rename and delete for further details.
  • The wrong extension is used when renaming the file geodatabase folder. The correct file geodatabase folder extension is .gdb, and it cannot be capitalized as it is case sensitive.

Solution or Workaround

Ensure there are no edits performed on the geodatabase folder anywhere else except within ArcGIS applications. Esri recommends making backup copies of the geodatabase to counter file corruption.

If the geodatabase contains a wrong extension, for example, .GDB instead of .gdb, rename the file geodatabase folder extension with the steps provided below.

Ensure the geodatabase folder data is not accessed by any other client, simultaneously, during this operation.
  1. Open File Explorer and navigate to the ArcGIS Pro project location. By default, new projects are stored in the location stated below.
  1. Select and right-click the file geodatabase folder.
  2. Select Rename.
The incorrect file geodatabase folder extension in Windows Explorer
  1. Change the file geodatabase folder extension from .GDB to .gdb.
The correct file geodatabase folder extension in Windows Explorer
  1. Open the project file in ArcGIS Pro.

The image below displays the create Relationship Class via the Catalog pane in ArcGIS Pro.

The ArcGIS Pro Catalog pane with the create new Relationship Class selection

Article ID: 000025572

  • ArcGIS Pro 2 8 x
  • ArcGIS Pro 2 7 x
  • ArcGIS Pro 2 x

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