Unable to create a new feature in ArcGIS Online Map Viewer

Last Published: April 25, 2020


When collecting data through a web app to create a new feature in a hosted feature layer in ArcGIS Online, the newly digitized feature disappears from the map once it is deselected. Attempts to create a new feature fail and the web app returns the following error message:

Values could not be submitted.

For example, the Citizen Science Reporter web app allows users to report sightings of plants and animals observed in wildlife areas from a mobile phone, tablet, and desktop computer. However, when a record is submitted, the error message is returned instead.


This issue occurs if the hosted feature layer contains a non-nullable field with no value specified, prompting an invalid applyEdits request to be sent to the service.

A Fiddler trace reveals the following response to the invalid applyEdits request:

'Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'column_name', table 'table_name'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails'.
It is possible for a field to be non-nullable, with no default value specified, and hidden from display in an attribute table.

Solution or Workaround

To resolve this issue, use one of the following solutions:

Populate the non-nullable fields with default values

As stated, if the non-nullable field is hidden in the attribute table, identify and ensure the affected fields are displayed. Once the hidden fields are displayed, identify which of the fields are non-nullable and populate these fields with default values.

  1. In ArcGIS Online, select and open the hosted feature layer in Map Viewer.
  2. Click Content > More Info > Configure Pop-up.
Image of the context menu
  1. In the Configure Pop-up pane, click Configure Attributes.
Image of Configure Pop-up pane
  1. Check the Display checkbox to display the hidden fields and click OK.
Image of Configure Attributes window
  1. On the Item Details page of the hosted feature layer, click Data > Fields, and select the desired fields to view their properties.
Image of the list of fields in the Data tab
  1. For the selected fields, under Settings, note the fields where Allow Null Values show No.
Image of the field's details
  1. To populate the fields identified previously, return to the Item Details page of the hosted feature layer.
  2. Click the drop-down for Open in Map Viewer, and select Add to new map with full editing control.
Image of the Open Map Viewer drop-down menu
  1. Click Edit > select the feature > and click Manage.
Image of selecting the features to manage
  1. Under Manage New Features, click the drop-down arrow to open the Properties of the selected feature.
Image of the feature context menu
  1. Populate the non-nullable fields identified in Step 6 with default values.
Image of the feature Properties window
  1. Click Done > Save Changes.

Create a new nullable field

As the nullable property of an existing field cannot be edited by default, download a local copy instead. Create a new nullable field, delete the original dataset, and republish the layer.

Article ID:000022308

  • ArcGIS Online

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