A domain-controlled group owner in Portal for ArcGIS may leave an organization. Thus, the Portal administrator deletes the previous owner and attempts to assign a new group owner. However, the administrator is unable to change the group owner in Portal for ArcGIS. On the Group page, the 'Select a new group owner' drop-down menu on the 'Change Owner' dialog box displays "- No other members to choose from -".
The administrator must assign a new group owner before the previous owner exits the domain-controlled group. This issue occurs when the previous owner is deleted from the domain-controlled group, leaving the group with an invalid group owner.
To change the domain-controlled group owner in Portal for ArcGIS, the administrator must reassign a new group owner manually in the ArcGIS Portal Directory. To do so, follow the instructions described below.
Note: Only the administrator has the privilege to reassign the group to another member of the organization. For more information, refer to ArcGIS REST API: Reassign Group.
https://<>/<webadaptorname>/sharing/rest/community/groups/<group id>/reassign
Note: Retain the same username applied in Step 1 when reassigning the new group owner.
Article ID: 000017739
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