Unable to apply ground direction corrections with the Ground to Grid Correction tool

Last Published: April 25, 2020


When working with a parcel fabric, attempting to manually enter a ground direction offset value using DMS (Degrees Minutes Seconds) units in the 'Ground to Grid Correction' tool from the COGO toolbar fails. The 'OK' button in the 'Correction - Step 1' dialog box is unavailable.

Image of the Correction dialog box


The directional units defined do not match the units of the current input. For example, if the directional units are defined as Decimal Degrees (DD), but the user input for ground to grid correction is in DMS, the correction cannot be applied. For more information, refer to ArcGIS Help: Using the Ground to Grid Correction dialog box.

Solution or Workaround

To resolve this issue, select one of the following options below:

  • Use the same directional units defined for the parcel fabric

    To determine the type of directional units used for the dataset, in the data frame, right-click and open Data Frame Properties > select the General tab. Use the same directional units defined for the dataset when using the Ground to Grid Correction tool.

    Image of the Data Frame properties
  • Change the directional units to match the user input directional units
    1. In ArcMap, open the MXD document and navigate to the Editor toolbar.
    2. Click the Editor drop-down menu, and select Options.
    3. In the Editing Options dialog window, select the Units tab > change Directional Units to match the user input directional units > click Apply.

      User-added image

Article ID: 000018617

  • ArcMap

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