Unable to add users with a Data Editor role to a shared update group in ArcGIS Online

Last Published: June 2, 2021


In ArcGIS Online, when attempting to invite members of the same organization to a shared update group, users with a Data Editor role are not returned in the search results, and the following message is returned, 'No users found that meet your criteria. Try clearing some filters or changing your search to show more users.'

No users found that meet your criteria. Try clearing some filters or changing your search to show more users.

The same behavior is shown when attempting to add users with a Viewer role to the same group. Refer to Problem: Unable to search for users with a Viewer role to add to an ArcGIS Online shared update group for more information.


This is by design. The Viewer and Data Editor default roles do not have the privilege to join shared update groups. Refer to ArcGIS Online: Default roles for more information.

Solution or Workaround

To resolve this issue, use one of the following workarounds.

Change the user's role

Change the user's role to User, Publisher, or Administrator. Refer to ArcGIS Online: Change member roles for steps to do this.

Only administrators can change user roles. 

Create a new group

Create a new group without the shared update capability, and add the user with the Data Editor role to the group. When creating the group, ensure the Shared update setting is toggled off under Group designations in the Create a group window.

In the Create a group window, the Group designations section with the Shared update setting is toggled off.

Article ID: 000025663

  • ArcGIS Online

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